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手術 from books.google.com
許博欽、黃思誠. 腹腔鏡手術(laparoscopic surgery),顧名思義是以一支細長的器械伸入人體內查看體內的器官,進而施行一些簡單或複雜的手術。因此,腹腔鏡手術又稱為內視鏡手術(endoscopic surgery)、窺視孔手術(peephole surgery)或微創手術(minimal ...
手術 from books.google.com
之處僅在於腹股溝結切除手術盡量縮窄動手術的範圍,以及避免對輸精管、精索血管和睪丸造成潛在的風險。如果腹股溝深環得到完善的縫合,復發率就會遠遠低於開放式修補法。不少醫學文獻也提及其他適用於兒童的腹腔鏡疝修補手術。不過,腹股溝結切除手術需要 ...
手術 from books.google.com
陳志遼, 張睿. 第九章总结宫腔镜下手术是迷人的,虽然也有局限性。对于每一个手术,医生应该对患者的具体病情和治疗进行准确的评估,客观地分析手术的效果,以便选择最好的治疗方案,包括保守治疗、微创手术、创伤性手术等。不同的患者或同一患者的不同阶段或 ...
手術 from books.google.com
... Surgery, 2007, pp. 780–85. 7 K. McDermott, et al., “Overview of Operating Room Procedures During Inpatient Stays in U.S. Hospitals,” 2014. Statistical Brief #233. December, 2017. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, R ockville ...
手術 from books.google.com
... 手術,使狹窄的鼻孔擴大,血液暢通,病症就可搭療。上海第二醫學院的醫師們在蘇聯醫學界施行心臟手術成功的鼓舞下,粗糙了研究小粗,進行多次的實驗,並得到上海市衛生局的積極幫助。一九五四年二月九日,該院蘭錫純教授勝利地完成了第一次心臟手術。病人王在 ...
手術 from books.google.com
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the surgical skills required during general surgery.
手術 from books.google.com
This text provides a comprehensive overview of operative dictations in plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgical procedures, which will serve as a valuable resource for residents, fellows, and practicing surgeons.
手術 from books.google.com
E. Christopher Ellison, Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr., Philip A. Efron, Steven D. Wexner, Nancy D. Perrier, V. Suzanne Klimberg, John H. Stewart IV, Valerie W. Rusch, Jon C. Gould, Susan Galandiuk, Timothy M. Pawlik, William C. Chapman, Benjamin ...
手術 from books.google.com
Features: More than 400 illustrations created specifically for this book along with clear, concise text show you how to perform essential surgical procedures Coverage includes procedures for the breast, gastrointestinal tract, diaphragm, ...
手術 from books.google.com
Single Incision Laparoscopic and Transanal Colorectal Surgery provide a comprehensive and state-of-the art review of single incision laparoscopic and transanal colorectal surgery.